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Holdem with Holloway, Vol. 78: Wyoming Poker Action & Wild South Dakota Hand

Jon Midler Simpson had for an open-ended straight draw and got it in against a player who had pocket sevens. Simpson missed his straight but it didn't matter as he paired his eight to seal the deal. I have a soft spot for tournaments in faraway places, which is why I wanted to give a little love to the 2018 Wyoming State Poker Championship. This past weekend, I was in Sioux Falls, South Dakota to live report the $1,100 MSPT Grand Falls Main Event, a tournament that drew 226 runners. On Day 2, just 15 players remained when an interesting hand went down in Level 19 (4,000/8,000/1,000). It began when Jon Midler moved all in for 97,500 from early position and Todd Helspar called off for 65,500 from the hijack.

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